Fighting at 125 vs 135 👊🏼🖤⠀ ⠀ I love my body in both of these photos but I have different goals in both of them. It’s cool to see what my body has done dropping a weight class. Keep in mind, I don’t love my body just because the way it looks. It’s not about the scale or muscle definition for me. I love my body because how it feels. Fighting at 125 is a good weight for me because I feel stronger, quicker and have much better cardio. And for my goals, that is what is important! ⠀ Příspěvek sdílený Kaytlin C Neil (@kaytlinkatnissneil), Bře 9, 2018 v 8:46 PST
Fighting at 125 vs 135 👊🏼🖤⠀ ⠀ I love my body in both of these photos but I have different goals in both of them. It’s cool to see what my body has done dropping a weight class. Keep in mind, I don’t love my body just because the way it looks. It’s not about the scale or muscle definition for me. I love my body because how it feels. Fighting at 125 is a good weight for me because I feel stronger, quicker and have much better cardio. And for my goals, that is what is important! ⠀
Příspěvek sdílený Kaytlin C Neil (@kaytlinkatnissneil), Bře 9, 2018 v 8:46 PST
V oktagonu není nouze nejen o nějakou tu ránu, ale zjevně ani o pohledné zástupkyně něžného pohlaví. Neilová se k zápasům MMA dostala poté, co působila jako roztleskávačka…