Miroslav Harnoch
10. 12. 2019 15:24
Projděte si kariéru dánské tenistky Caroline Wozniacké, která se v lednu oficiálně rozloučí s kariérou.
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I’ve played professionally since I was 15 years old. In that time I’ve experienced an amazing first chapter of my life. With 30 WTA singles titles, a world #1 ranking for 71 weeks, a WTA Finals victory, 3 Olympics, including carrying the flag for my native Denmark, and winning the 2018 Australian Open Grand slam championship, I’ve accomplished everything I could ever dream of on the court. I’ve always told myself, when the time comes, that there are things away from tennis that I want to do more, then it’s time to be done. In recent months, I’ve realized that there is a lot more in life that I’d like to accomplish off the court. Getting married to David was one of those goals and starting a family with him while continuing to travel the world and helping raise awareness about rheumatoid arthritis (project upcoming) are all passions of mine moving forward. So with that, today I am announcing that I will be retiring from professional tennis after the Australian Open in January. This has nothing to do with my health and this isn’t a goodbye, I look forward to sharing my exciting journey ahead with all of you! Finally, I want to thank with all my heart, the fans, my friends, my sponsors, my team, especially my father as my coach, my husband, and my family for decades of support! Without all of you I could have never have done this!
A post shared by Caroline Wozniacki (@carowozniacki) on Dec 6, 2019 at 5:31am PST
Dánská tenistka Caroline Woznická minulý ten oznámila, že lednové Australian Open bude jejím posledním turnajem v kariéře.
"Dosáhla jsem na kurtech všeho, o čem jsem kdy mohla snít," uvedla Wozniacká v emotivním příspěvku na Instagramu. "Vždycky jsem si říkala, že až přijde čas, kdy mě budou zajímat víc jiné věci než tenis, tak skončím. V posledních měsících jsem si uvědomila, že v životě je mnohem víc věcí mimo kurt, po kterých toužím. Jednou z nich bylo provdat se za Davida a založit s ním rodinu," napsala.